bathroom jokes造句


  1. It contains mild profanity, bathroom jokes and sexual references.
  2. Ignore the bathroom joke there about fiber and anal probes.
  3. IBS, clearly, is not a bathroom joke.
  4. For all its aspirations, though, this is just one long bathroom joke.
  5. Everybody on the boy network bellows, even when they are telling bathroom jokes.
  6. It's difficult to find bathroom jokes in a sentence. 用bathroom jokes造句挺难的
  7. Campaign platform : Would make sure every issue of TV Guide included a page of bathroom jokes.
  8. With its sexual innuendos and bathroom jokes, " Dunston " doesn't even work as a passable baby sitter.
  9. "Little Rascals " ) are aiming lower and lower in the tee-hee sex-and-bathroom joke department.
  10. All around me, pre-pubescent boys were snickering at the bosomy babes, howling at the bathroom jokes, and elbowing each other during the bedroom scenes.
  11. She's far too comfortable in the middle of the fighting, the four-letter words and the bathroom jokes; in fact she seems to relish it all.
  12. And in the face of AIDS, crib death, drug overdose and staggeringly vile bathroom jokes ( all of which figure in the story ), that is no small feat.
  13. The film narrows its range and aims for a teen-age audience _ a group that may be entirely oblivious to its jokey references _ with bathroom jokes and frat house humor.
  14. Janet Maslin in " The New York Times " considered the film a  rough unfunny comedy notable for its bathroom jokes, humorous rape scene and abysmal home movie cinematography.
  15. It's a high-tech " Harry Potter " with a McDonald's tie-in, tee-hee bathroom jokes and Antonio Banderas to lure in the moms.
  16. John Woo's influence accounts for the occasional midair leap with weapons blazing, and Quentin Tarantino is even on camera to tell a none-too-funny bathroom joke in lavish detail.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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